West Hills Friends is looking at the option of adding solar panels to the community building. A recommendation to move forward with this project now, subject to designated giving, will be presented at the Sept 10th business meeting
for our collective discernment. Adding solar panels supports our values by:
Protecting the environment by caring for the earth
Promoting peace through reduction of foreign oil dependence
Being good financial stewards by virtually eliminating our ongoing electric costs
Come to a Zoom session to find out more details, ask your questions and share any concerns. This will help you be ready to make an informed discernment on the 10th . If these times don’t work, talk with Karla Zimmerman, Kay Ellison or Doreen Crail for ways to get a detailed presentation. Zoom Times – Pick one that is convenient for you:
Monday 8/28 12:30 PM
Monday 8/28 3:30 PM
Wednesday 8/30 6:30PM
Saturday 9/2 11:30 AM
Zoom Link for all sessions is: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6811239930?pwd=NEtPL2lWQWhWYkN0eWZ4bmxSS2gwZz09